Royal Albatross LOVE IS IN THE AIR 1st MATING Of 2021 2022 Season Caught On Cam
As the new season gets underway, more albie returnees come home and we see one young couple renew their bond together What joy to see them greet one another after being at sea We see the first mating of the new season for this sweet couple. Notice the dark tiaras or speckled crowns on both albatross. It was hard to read the bands in the low light but one of them may be BLO (blue lime orange) and their mate. They are affectionate with one another and engage in mutual allopreening and skycalling. Love is in the air This couple spent the night and woke up together in the same place in the morning. The rangers will go out today and hopefully read their bands for confirmation. Thank you for watching Video captured edited by Lady Hawk Please join the facebook group Royal Cam Albatross Group New Zealand for up to date information on the albatross family and to share information on albatross conservation, photos and comments