Episode 4, ZOMBIES: Addisons Moonstone Monster Mystery, Disney Channel
We wont break Were more than flesh and bone Addison, Zed and the gang from ZOMBIES on Disney Channel realize the vampire stone made Shrimpy come alive Zed and Addison head to the Vampire Den to put a stop to the monster madness and save the Fall Ball Watch ZOMBIES: Addison s Monster Mystery and ZOMBIES: Addison s Moonstone Mystery on Disney Channel and in the DisneyNOW app Check out more ZOMBIES videos here: At Seabrook High, zombies, werewolves and humans are all coexisting Things are going well between Zed (Milo Manheim) and Addison (Meg Donnelly) until the new girl Vanna shows up with a big secret , addisonsmonstermystery, zombies2, disneychannel