Royal Wedding Aka The Marriage Of Princess Helene Of France To Comte Evrard (1957)
HELENE, PRINCESS OF FRANCE THE MARRIAGE OF PRINCESS HELENE OF FRANCE TO COMTE EVRARD Normandy, France. SV. Princess Helene of France walking with her father Comte de Paris for the wedding in the Royal Chapel of Dreux Normandy. TV. Bride and father walking to the entrance of the Church, this picture shows the bride s 25 feet long train. SV. Back, bride and father making their way up steps into church. CU The Bridegroom Comte Evrard de LimbourgStirum accompanied by his mother the Countess. GV Guests going into Church. AS. Of the Church. SV Interior of the bride and groom kneeling before the altar. CU Full, of the bride kneeling. SV Bride and groom kneeling before the altar. SV Comte de Paris accompanying Queen Frederika of Greece to her place in the Church. SCU Queen Frederika of Greece. SV Bride and groom standing before the altar the bride turns to her father asking for his consent. SCU Mgr. Renard Bishop of Dreux conducting the service. SV Bishop hands the bridegroom the ring and bridegroom pla