Heres To The Memory Roll 6 (1950 1959)
Pathe House Projector beam with cigarette smoke drifting up. Projector room porthole. Interior projection booth with projectionist. Projectionist attending machine. Projection porthole from projector side. Track alongside projector to porthole (4 takes). Note: footage keeps jumping. Location unspecified. Newspaper headline peaceful Ireland. Newspaper headline The King signs of weakness of heart. Poster Your King and Country need you. Newspaper advert women s clothes. Newspaper photograph of the King and Queen Mary, headline My very dear people (7 May 1935). Daily Express war clouds darken as sun breaks through in Abyssinia. Newspaper insert Nurse Cavell s heroic death. Newspaper headline Scene in the Commons Mr Churchill an Lord Hugh Cecil. Man holding Evening Standard placard Raid on Suffragettes, 156 women arrested. GEC Research Station Elevated round integrating sphere, man presses button and trap door slides up. Another man slides horizontal gangw