SF6 Tutorial Become a Rashid God With This Meaty Setups Mixups Guide
This guide is made (almost) exclusively of online matches footage to demonstrate actual applications of Rashid s combos, mixups, setups, safejumps, and neutral tech. Hope you enjoy and learn something. Now watchable in 2K HD for your viewing pleasure, as Rashido says. Notations explanation included below as per viewers request. Happy training ( ꇴ) Timestamps 0:00 Meaty Setups and Other Essentials 4:07 Cyclone, Safejumps, and Safe OD Fireball Setups 6:04 Exercise: Detect the Tech Combo Notation 101: st. standing cr. crouching LP light punch MP medium punch HP heavy punch LK light kick MK medium kick HK heavy kick x cancel qcf quarter circle forward qcb quarter circle backward hcf half circle forward hcb half circle backward Example: x means that, with Rashid, you link standing medium kick int