(여자)아이들(( G) I DLE) 퀸카 ( Queencard) DANCE COVER by JACKPOT from RUSSIA
, RUSSIA, COVERDANCE, JACKPOT, GIDLE , QUEENCARD, NEWCOVER, ONETAKE, KPOPINPUBLIC VK : INST : TELEGRAM : t. me, jackpotcdt Hey We are the JACKPOT Welcome to our new cover Queencard by ((G)IDLE). We will be glad if you like it, you subscribe and click the notification button for new video Dancers: Minseok (inst: valentinasiiin) Yuki (inst: snowmayyuki) Jamie (inst: jamiesoer) Inna (inst: lordvermouth) Lis (inst: elizavetameyns) Frost (inst: nastu8ha) Eliz (inst: We will be very pleased if you support us with comments and likes