Damn, thats interesting
Loons create an underwater frenzy as they repeatedly bombard a massive, unified school of yellow perch and emerald shiners in Ontario s Lake Simcoe. These Canadian common loons (Gavia immer) hurl themselves at the swarms of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and emerald shiners (Notropis atherinoides) to create a panic and easily pick off any stragglers. The fish scramble in desperation to regroup into their baitball formations for safety. The birds were extremely cautious before each dive and kept their distance from the camera. Once submerged, loons are incredibly fast, like little torpedos. The yellow perch kept lower to the ground, hiding under the massive shadow cast by the school of above, the emerald shiners. Filmed on Lake Simcoe s Kempenfelt Bay, Barrie, Ontario, Canada. For more wildlife photos and videos, check out: CREATED BY: Kevin Biskaborn,