Black Goat Dominium ( PAN) Peste Divina Premiere ( Full EP) Tanatofobia Productions
Band: Black Goat Dominium EP: Peste Divina Year: 2019 Genre: Black, Death Metal Country: Panama Location: Panama City Label: Tanatofobia Productions Format: Digital Order MC, Digital Album from the Label Here: Order Digital Tracks to support the Band Here: 00:00 1. Atursaet 02:52 2. Pacto 06:08 3. Bacanal en el templo de la bestia 08:25 4. Peste Divina released April 20, 2019 Black Goat Dominium are: Morbid Insane Fornicator Guitars, Vocals Bestial Cunt Flagellator Bass, Vocals Purulent Blasphemy Ejaculator Drums SUPPORT LINKS Black Goat Dominium https:,