Hardwell Eclipse ( OUT NOW ), United We Are
Hardwell Eclipse OUT NOW SignUp to WIN one of the signed CD s: As the world waits with baited breath for the ultimate release of Hardwells United We Are, what better way to tease and stir up the excitement even further, than with the roaring opener anthem, Eclipse. What may be familiar to some, thanks to igniting Hardwells live sets throughout 2014 and way into the New Year, fans who have had the pleasure of experiencing the Worlds, 1 DJ live, can now get hyped for the slick, studio finish of a track, that has sound tracked memories across the globe. Producing the final edit with the intention of it taking the leading, introductory spot on his debut artist album, Hardwells Eclipse takes over with an abundance of atmospheric strings, instrumental tension and a rousing buildup that explodes upon its peak climax, leaving the listener satisfied whilst also setting the groundshaking foundations, for what is poise