Enlusion Sudden Comfort
Subscribe: Out next on IonoMusic we have a very special release called Hybriding Blends. We are very proud to bring you a compilation of 15 of our most cherished tracks that we have carefully handpicked from our labels: IonoMusic, Iono Black and Iono Lounge; and thus, taking you on a succinct journey through the blissedout genres of chill, downbeat, progressive trance and progressive psytrance. The uplifting rising rhythms of Enlusion s Southern Comfort, the organic junglist vibes of Some1 s Ecstatic Motion, Lish s carousel of carnage with The Creator are just three of the mesmerising masterpieces included. All the beats on here have been pristinely produced, the sounds used have been created with care, and the melodies written straight from the heart. The result of this craftsmanship is an exquisite release that is enticing, captivating and inspiring