Breaking Down 5 Iconic Neil Peart Licks
Learn Drums Here: Free Lessons: Our Favorite Music Products: 0:00 Introduction A lot s happened this past year. But it s more important than ever to remember our heroes. And Neil Peart s brilliant contributions to the drumming world (and music) inspired generations of drummers to pick up sticks for the first time. So join us today on the 1 year anniversary of Neil s passing and revisit five of his most iconic drum licks. Even if you don t have a massive kit like Neil Peart, you can still learn his parts you just might need to get creative with where you place the hits. Ash Pearson takes you through some of his favorite Neil Peart licks and shows you how to play each of them (notation included). 1. 0:31 Tom Sawyer This is the break in the middle of the song, and it s one of the most epic drum fills of all time. It s fun to air drum, and it s even more fun to play on an actual drum set 2. 02:45