Killer Party is a 1986 Canadian comedic supernatural slasher film directed by William Fruet, and starring Martin Hewitt, Ralph Seymour, Elaine Wilkes, Joanna Johnson, Sherry WillisBurch, and Paul Bartel. It follows a trio of female sorority pledges who unleash a demonic force after participating in an initiation ritual in an abandoned house on their university s campus. . The screenplay for Killer Party was written by Barney Cohen, who had recently completed the screenplay for Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter The film had the working titles of Fool s Night and April Fool, but it was ultimately changed to Killer Party when Paramount Pictures announced their own horror film called April Fool s Actress Sherry WillisBurch revealed in an interview that her character Vivia was initially meant to be killed early in the film when she first was given the role, but was rewritten to survive until the very end.