Best Session Of The Off Season Uluwatu
This has got to be the cleanest Uluwatu weve seen in months. A really light crossoffshore made for some very smooth conditions, and a medium sized swell came to the party as well. Main Peak and the section of reef just outside of Racetracks were both working with both waves breaking at a good pace for turns as well as a few barrels. The wet season westerlies have picked up a notch since this session, and the forecast is predicting even stronger onshore winds for this side of the island, so this may well be the last hurrah for Uluwatu in 2022. 0:00 Corox: 0:26 Giada Legati: 0:50 Sebas Parodi: 1:11 000 1:30 Taina Izquierdo: 2:23 Bella Wilson: 2:51 000 3:27 Nyoman Satria: 3:50 000 5:08 Gabriel Nascimento: www