If Disney Princes Were Real
Why Prince Charming, Prince Eric, Aladdin, the Beast, Snow White s prince, Prince Naveen, and Captain Shang would make terrible boyfriends. Share on Twitter: Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: Share on Facebook: MUSIC: Original BuzzFeed Disney Prince Score Composed by David Butterfield CAST: Reyna (The Heroine) Charity Lynne Baroni (ChaeLynne) Prince Charming (Cinderella) Jason Zahodnik (jasonzahodnik) Prince Florian (Snow White the Seven Dwarfs) Travis Bryant (TravisBryantNYC) Prince Adam (Beauty the Beast) Steven Aleck (Tadthunderson) Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid) Dylan Jackson (Dylanjackson17) Prince Naveen (The Princess the Frog) Sean Samuels (IG SeanSamuelsla, Twitter SeanSamuels) Prince Ali (Aladdin) Junes Zahdi (juneszahdi) Captain Li Shang (Mulan) Eugene Lee Yang (EugeneLeeY