Something is About To BREAK, Gold Silver Being Drained Alasdair Macleod
Alasdair Macleod returns to the show to break down the UK s situation as the Bank of England intervenes to stabilize the economy as the pound crashes. Furthermore, we discuss the Housing Market, Fed s rate hikes, and the Gold and Silver outlook for the months ahead. Follow Alasdair on Twitter: Twitter Reddit Monthly Newsletter (NEW) Instagram Telegram t. me, s, WallStreetSilver Facebook Special Silver Pricing for Wall Street Silver members Sprott Money Silver Bullion , silver, wallstreetsilver, gold, preciousmetals, silvergoldbull, Wall, Street, Reddit, Platinum, CurrencyReset, Reset, Silversqueeze, Fed, November2021, 2021, worse, restart, financecommunity, stockexchange, inflation, preciousmetals, finance, banks, financecrash , gold, economy, money, economiccrisis, broke, credit, inflation, purchasingpower, systemchange, crisis, crash, marketing, insolvency, profit, bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, politics, media, stockmarket, stocks