Catch The Rainbow Rainbow (1975) FLAC Audio Remaster HD Video
Catch The Rainbow was released in the summer of 1975 on the debut solo album from exDeep Purple guitarist Richie Blackmore on the album titled, Richie Blackmore s Rainbow. I ve always loved this beautiful ballad and had started working on a video for it way back. I had kind of forgotten about it for awhile until recently while I was working on another video and in desperation to make that video more cohesive had decided to turn up the rainbows that I was using in the went into the images I d originally collected for Catch The Rainbow. I decided to go ahead and finish this video for Catch The Rainbow first, since the other video I was working continues to be a nightmare with no end in sight. I incorporated the album art from Rainbow s second album, Rising (which not only fit this song perfectly but was much easier to work into the video style and was more flexible to work with. ) I hope you enjoy it