Turn Yourself Into a GTA Load Screen with GIMP
In this tutorial Ill be demonstrating how you can use GIMP to make a photo have a similar art style to the load screens from the Grand Theft Auto video game series. The style demonstrated in this tutorial is more like the load screens used in GTA4 rather than GTA5, but it still has that effect. I ve put together a page with all of the resources used in this tutorial here: If you need help removing the background from your image, check out the tutorial I made about it here: Want to learn more about how GIMP works Check out The GIMP Series a comprehensive collection of over 60 videos where I go over all of the major tools, features and functions in GIMP and explain what they are and demonstrate how they work. Learn more here: Credit to a video by Davies media Design in which he demonstrates how to create a cartoon effect with GIMP. Check it out here: