The Evil Dead 1983 Synopsis
The Evil Dead is a horror film released in 1983, directed by Sam Raimi and starring Bruce Campbell. It is the first installment in The Evil Dead franchise and has since become a cult classic in the horror genre. Synopsis: The movie follows five college students who venture into a remote cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway. The group consists of Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker), his sister Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), their friends Scotty (Hal Delrich), and Shelly (Theresa Tilly). Upon arriving at the cabin, they discover a tape recording left by the cabin s previous occupant, who was researching the Book of the Dead (Necronomicon ExMortis). The recording contains incantations and passages from the book, inadvertently awakening demonic forces lurking in the nearby woods. As night falls, strange and horrifying occurrences begin to unfold. Cheryl, who was sketching outside, is the first to experience a malevolent presence