Ceephax Acid Crew Live in Brussels 1999
Organized by Firstcask Records in the autumn of 1999, Destroy Bikini was a illegal party in a delapidated ballroom in Brussels which was on the verge of collapse (check out the glass dome at which had a net under it to stop people being impaled by falling glass). Ceephax was contacted via Chelmsford record label Spymania using a new form of communication called email by acid enthusiasts Gael and Youri who d discovered his Radiotin EP in a shop in Brussels and wanted him to come over and play. He took a ferry from Hull and drunk all night with truckers and woke up facedown on the dancefloor as it was docking in Zeebrugge. It was only Ceephax s 5th or 6th gig and by the time he played he was highly stoned on euroweed, a little tipsy on Belgian beer and rather disappointed by a stale Belgian waffle. Nevertheless it was a wicked party and cemented a lifetime friendship with the boys from Firstcask which led to some of Ceephax s best releases. Someone did manage to pour candle wax in