The Grudge ( Tool) Bass Cover ( With Tabs) by Leo Düzey
GET REQUESTS, TABS, PDFS ON PATREON: INSTAGRAM: SPOTIFY : The Grudge from Tool s Lateralus album (2001). In my opinion the heaviest riff that Tool has ever made. The bass is being played in its highest octave and still it sounds really heavy. There are lot of tabs and covers that do something completely different at 0:19. They play an open d string with the hammeron and pulloff and then a 7 on the G string which is nonsense. There is literally no need to have such a huge gap when you can play it on another string. So as you might ve noticed, you need some delay (about 310Ms) for the intro and some moments later on. And at 2:24 we can of course see me messing up by not going to the 15 for some reason. Now, this song is all about hammerons and pulloffs. 3:27 is a good example of this happening. You really don, 3