VAMPIRE BEDROOM AMBIENCE: Autumn Rain Sounds, Writing Sounds, Soft Thunder, Crackling Wick Sounds
To keep up with the current spooky theme on the Autumn Cozy channel I thought I d design a vampire bedroom ambience with autumn rain sounds, soft thunder, crackling wick sounds, a ticking clock, writing sounds and more I picture a rather restless, centuriesold vampire residing here, spending her nights stealing out into the dark for a quick feeding in the village before returning to pen letters to old friends and indulge in a glass of the finest wine. I hope you enjoy P. S. My favorite supernatural creature is vampires (with witches and elves tied for a close second ). What s yours Let me know in the comments A massive thankyou to my channel members. I love and appreciate you all so much If you d like to become a member, you can do so here:: Autumn Cozy supports the Brain Behavior Research Foundation, which puts 100 of its donations toward awarding scientific research grants for the study of mental health. Please consider learning m