How to style my Pixie Hair cut at 70
, 70yrold, ,pixiehaircut, hairmanipulator, hairputty, howtofixpixiehaircut, maximunholdhairspray, getreadywithme. have asked to see me fix my Pixie hair here me know if you think a 70 yr old lady should have a Pixie hair cut Or what about a person with a very ROUND face, ,,, , let me know you CONTACT INFORMATION: Pamela Shep Productions PO Bov 25 Riddle, OR. 97469 email: My Amazon Store: Check it out My Amazon Store As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small amount from qualifying purchases. Music Credits: Epidemic Sound, Youtube Audio Library Kerry Afrobeats Amaroo Roxanne Glue for appliqué and quilting The lace I use on the ToBeIT Cotton Lace Trim DIY Craft Delicate Ribbon Scallop Edge for Scrapbooking Gift Package Wrapping, Crocheted Lace Trim D