Setting up Akai MPD218 for drums in a DAW ( Reaper+ Ez Drummer+ Free Drum VST)
Setting up Akai MPD218 for drums in a DAW (Reaper+EzDrummer+Free DrumVST) Had some hiccups setting this thing up myself self (My problem was that I couldn t send layouts from the editor to the MPD, the reason was because I couldn t have my DAW open at the same time. ) So I made this vido, hope someone finds it usefull. Have a good day Join Discord for weekly music recommendations and that upclose personal stuff: The are links under are affiliate links to products that I use. That means that amazon pays me a small percentage of the sales of costumers I reffer to their site. But I I am not sponsored by Amazon or any of the brands that I link to, I just like this stuff. It doesn t cost anything more for you, but it helps me out. Thanks for checking them out Amazon US Links Music Gear My Recording Interface: Vocal Mic: Instrument Mic: