J. S. Bach Trio sonata V part II BWV 529 Willem van Twillert MEERE organ (1809) Epe NL
Willem van Twillert plays J. S. Bach, Trio sonata V, part II BWV529, , MEEREorgan (1809), Epe NL PLAYLIST, Bach playde by WvT: Buy this and other DVD s with Dutch organists on Dutch historical organs at: Audio: Chiel Timmer Camera, Lodewic van Twillert Production: Foundation Organ Projects Editing, Lodewic van Twillert SOON ON DVD see Willem van Twillert (1952) studied organ at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam with Piet Kee as his Organ professor, with whom he also studied improvisation and composition. In 1975 he began 3 years of orchestral conducting studies with Anton Kersjes. In 1976 he obtained the diploma for Church Music and in 1978 the diploma of Performing Musician cum laude, with a teachingendorsement for improvisation. A scholarship aff