Running Jasmine Java Script, Jasmine Java Script unit testing using Grunt, Jasmine Tutorial 2
This video tutorial will focus on how run Jasmine JavaScript unit testing from command line using Grunt. How run JavaScript Unit test written in Jasmine from Command Line using Grunt and PhantomJS, it includes, how to install with NPM (Node Package Manager), how to install Grunt CLI (Command Line Interface), how to install contribjasmine npm, how to create default configuration file how to create the first configuration file, how to set the configuration to run Jasmine inside how to ignore nodemodules from Git source control so it will be ready for build automation in further videos. For more info about DevOps, VSTS, Software Testing, Dynamics 365, visit my blog: About the Author . .., MRadwanMSF, JavaScriptunittest, Grunt, NPM , PhantomJS, Jasmine 20180401 qk91C1WbPRA