Morgue Tar Upheaval of Murderous Savagery
00:00 Forcing Rebar Down the Urethra of a Corpse Cock so my Kidnapped Prostitute can Ride on it for my Sic Cunting Amusement 00:33 The Reeking Stench of Fucking the Festering Dead in a 195 Sauna 00:57 Stirring the Boiling Cum Pot with my Scalded Cock (My Melted Cock is the Final Ingredient) 01:21 Sloshing of the Cadaveric Stomach Juices while being Violently Red 02:29 Blood Splattered Walls and Cum Stained Sheets (What have I done ) 03:13 Fisting the Rotting Maggot Infested Anal Tract until it Disintegrates into Exquisite Mush 03:39 The Refined Odor as my Erect Penis Penetrates the Semi Decayed Eye Socket Porridge 04:11 Pus MixedBlood Ejaculated from 10 Day Old Morgue Cock 05:31 Squirting Rank Nekro Juice from Dead Female Reproductive Organs 07:52 Orgasmic Eruptions of Foul Semon from Decomposing Testicals 08:37 Force Feeding Him His Testicals, Wrapped in the Scalp of his Newborn Daughter (I have becum God) 09:10 69 Fresh Stab Wounds for Barbarous S