Son of Satan Evil Twin of Jesus Man Who Brings Hell to Earth
Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In todays video, were going to discuss the Antichrist. First were going to dive into a treatise written in the 10th century that details the Antichrists entire life; it was a seminal work, and though short, its packed with information, taking from scripture, of course, but also from many other works written by philosophers and theologians in previous centuries. Second, were going to spend a little time on eschatology, specifically, at the various lenses of interpretation comprised by it, and how one of them, futurism, is in large part the reason the Antichrist remained so relevant for so long, as people would attempt to prognosticate when he would return or would weaponize the name, labeling people they disliked or disagreed with it, much as women were called witches. Third, were going to look at a second century work that features the Antichrist throughout, our purpose here being to show one of the first steps in the progression that would culminat