Tree Vocabulary in English, Tree Names, Glossary, Tree Wordlist, Related Words to Trees
LINK FOR FULL TREE NAMES LESSON: You are welcome to this English vocabulary lesson on Trees. This introductory lesson will teach you basic English words relating to TREES Learn popular tree names along with how to discuss each tree in English conversation. I have also published a more extensive English glossary covering lots more Tree names. I have added the link at the top of the description above. Make sure to share this video with a friend and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel WORDLIST Oak Long Leaf Acorn Willow Elongated Droopy Weeping Sallow Cherry Blossom Tradition Christmas Tree Norway Spruce Lifespan Timber Lumber Lumberjack Logging Maple Tree Sap Maple Syrup Palm Tree Cultivate Palm Oil Coconut Forest Jungle Rainforest Deforestation Climate Change Everyday English Every Day from LearningEnglishPRO Check out the COMMUNITY TAB on my Y