Secret Service Jane ( NEW SONG, 2022)
LISTEN, DOWNLOAD: Tim Norell: Jane with Secret Service is the follow up to our hit single Lit de Parade but much more danceable and also brighter and more hopeful. A little bit back to the romantic 80s. I had an enormous longing for Paris and the French lifestyle when I wrote Jane and I still think the harmonies sounds a little bit French The instrumental melody that rise up to the choruses symbolize for me a rising optimism. Maybe that s exactly what we all need now in these turbulent times of the world a rising optimism Superb vocals by our singer John Becker and superb music production by Peter Boström. Björn Engelman at Cutting Room in Stockholm has done a great mastering. We engaged the cartoonist Klaus Ivanoff to make storyboard drawings of our synopsis for a future bideo of Jane, but when we saw his so emotional and artistically fantastic drawings of Jane in Paris story we decided that these drawings must be the video to Jane Fredrik Mårdh edited and