free mall grab + lofi techno + rave type beat ursmile
, crystalcastlestypebeat, technotypebeat , ravetypebeat FREE FOR NON PROFIT USE, MUST CREDIT IN TITLE prod. ihateinvain PURCHASE INFO IMPORTANT DUE TO HITTING UPLOAD LIMIT ON BOTH BEATSTARS AND TRAKTRAIN, YOU WILL HAVE TO CONTACT ME VIA INSTAGRAM ihateinvain TO PURCHASE THIS BEAT BPM 142 KEY E MINOR linktree instagram ihateinvain mail You are only allowed to use this exact version free for nonprofit. Taking the tags off is strictly prohibited unless a lease has been bought prior to doing so. Monetized streams, plays on each platform without buying a lease is NOT allowed. You are not allowed to make content IDs for songs containing my beats If you do make content IDs for songs containing my beats, I have the right to take your song down and take legal action. Any social media use of my beats require crediting me in