LIVE LIFE FULLY It s Never Too Late
Making other people happy makes many of us feel good. It s great to know that you made a positive impact, however small, on someone s life. But there s a difference between being kind, and being a people pleaser. Being someone who pleases people sounds like a good idea. But you should never change who you are to please them. You mould yourself to fit the idea of what other people think you should be. Running around trying to please everyone with every decision never tuning into your own needs. And you stop trusting your own judgment because you assume that other people know better You have infinite opportunities to do what makes you radiant in a world of dreary times. And the people that matter, will stick around and love you the most when you are true to yourself. Its never too late to live a free life one that is on your own terms. When you say yes to others, make sure you dont say no to yourself. Paolo Coehlo Filmed in Swellendam, South