Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Medley with 300 Musicians
Download link TABS below. Full credits in pinned comment This project was the most difficult thing I ve ever done. I m glad how it turned out. It was exhausting but my love for FFXIV and its community gave me a lot of motivation FOLLOW ME Twitter, X : Discord : You can support me on Patreon get TABS here A big thanks to my patrons Kevin Denamur, Doc Laladay, Rockyson, Enderkask, Hypnors, Zoe Faye, Yorlan, Stephen Darkness Jackson, feardragon, Ariana Sora, Daniel Rate, Meinos Kaen, Christopher Hamilton, Farlyn, Miingno, Jessica Chappell, Evgenii, Paul Scott, William Starwind, Damien Harris, Nick Early my others awesomes Patrons. Audio Platforms Free download : Medleys can t be licensed on Spotify any br, br,