A Day in the Life of a Shen Yun Dancer at New York HQ, 3 Musketeers
Wonder what our day looks like with a performance See behind the curtain here In this episode, Shen Yun perfomer, instructor William Li gives us a rundown of his actionpacked schedule back at home base. The day kickstarts with some presunrise training as warmup. Then, Will and his company have classical Chinese dance training, followed by a tumbling session. During lunch break, Sam, Will and Co. attack homegrown ghost peppersthe ghost peppers get the last laugh. After a leisurely outdoor photoshoot, it s back to the physical stuff: tornado kicks and conditioning. The workday is wrapped up with one final rehearsal session. Will drives home and winds down with a typical Shen Yun member routine: meditation and readings on moral improvement. William finally hits the hay. Tomorrow s another epic day. 00:00 Intro 00:18 Beginning 00:36 Good Morning 01:25 Arriving at the Studio