Nigger or Nigga A Dialog On Part 2
As part of the dialog around the upcoming performance at Laney College of ColorStuck, a oneman play by Donald Lacy about race and color, Peralta TV has produced a hardhitting, controversial documentary, Nigger or Nigga A Dialog on Race from a Black Perspective, which looks closely at questions of race and identity raised by the African American community. Nigger or Nigga A Dialog on Race from a Black Perspective, was produced by Burnett Walton and Taing Productions for Peralta TV. The program can be seen during the coming weeks on Peralta TV at the following times: 1, 30, 07 Tue 2pm 1, 30, 07 Tue 7pm 2, 03, 07 Sat 7:30pm 2, 04, 07 Sun 10:30am 2, 06, 07 Tue 6:30pm 2, 10, 07 Sat 11pm 2, 16, 07 Fri 5:30pm 2, 22, 07 Thur 10:30pm