Origami Diamond Divider Box Tutorial DIY Paper Kawaii
Learn how to make a pretty and useful origami box with 5 sections. These diamond shaped boxes fit within a larger square box with a lid. This paper box requires no glue. Another ASMR style video, let me know what you think, do you miss the music If you do, you can visit this link and listen to the music I would have included: I ve gotten a lot of comments asking wheres the new video, when can I upload etc, I can t upload as much as I used to, and can t even give a schedule or even idea of how often I can post, for various reasons. I just plan to do more. This origami box of boxes is made from 4 diamond shaped boxes on the inside. These gem shaped boxes are insideout variations of my previous box Origami Diamond Box Lid, back in 2015 (remake tutorial here: This looks like a great homemade chocolate or desert box. Otherwis