Japanese Masterpieces for the Koto ( Full Album)
Another Lyrichord tape, this time from the Master Musicians of IkutaRyu, no actual names. This one probably comes from the early to mid 70 s. Side 1: 1. 0:00 Sakura 2. 3:06 SoranBushi 3. 4:19 KurodaBushi 4. 6:39 Niwa No Sanshu No Ki 5. 8:39 Utsukushiki TenNen Side 2: 1. 17:47 Banshu 2. 24:16 Kyo No Insho (A B) 3. 32:03 Two Reikin Improvisations Koto music is divided into two distinct types. There is a kind which accompanies singing and another which is solely instrumental. The oldest known form of vocal koto music was called Kumiata, which was a group of short poems set to music to be sung in a given order. In the later koto music that developed from this, each poem was called a step or dan. The term dan is therefore basic to all discussions of koto music forms ( Ichidan, for example, means one step or poem; Midan, two steps. Rokudan refers to six steps; Kudan, to nine. )