Specimen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang new Batcave video
Specimen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang music video a glimpse of what Specimen and the Batcave were really like. Jon Klein made this better quality video of the band, giving an idea of being there. (Were you there ) To coincide, the Wet Warm album is now available on Spotify etc. It s got the hardtofind 7 versions of KKBB, Hex, Poison, Sharp Teeth, Journey plus live tracks Ooze and Wet Warm Clingfilm Red Velvet Crush. Find them here: on Spotify : on Apple iTunes: on Amazon: The Azoic CD is still available here: If you re just discovering Specimen, they formed in 1981, 2, and founded the influential, infamous Batcave club in London, pioneering the postpunk, glam gothic subculture. Whilst together, they only released singles and one minialbum. More info: Shop for CDs vinyl at: New stuff from Specimen here: Specimen on Soundcloud: Specimen on Facebook: Specimen s 2012 reunion album website: Subscribe to Jungle s Youtube: , SpecimenBand , TheBatcave , SpecimenKissKissBangBang junglerecords