How to Get Revenge On Gang Stalkers Parabellum
This is not a movie review for John Wick Parabellum The worst thing that you can do when faced with harassment is to respond by way of aggression. You should maintain composure and act as if you are deaf, dumb and blind. By doing so, you will frustrate those who seek to harass and annoy you. Moreover, by acting deaf, dumb and blind, you encourage a Perp to OVERACT and become louder, therefore, making his harassment even more obvious. You should always carry a recording device with you and record this acting out behavior known as DIRECTED CONVERSATION and do so without letting the PERP know that you are recording his behavior. You should then go and document the time, location and the date and describe in detail of the event that just transpired. Take that information and load it on to your PC and then make at least 3 copies and transfer that data to 3 thumb drives or other hard drives. You should never upload that to the Internet The reason for that is that if you upload, your tormentors will know th