Dark Lord Sauron Tribute Touch Of Evil
Tyrannical warlord and legendary dark lord in his own right, Sauron is main and titular antagonist of said Lord of The Rings trilogy, secondary antagonist in both The Hobbit and Silmarillion. Once a maiar known as Mairon who craved perfection and order, was corrupted by first dark lord Melkor, Morgoth thus becoming forever known as Sauron for the rest of three ages of MiddleEarth (Ea). Dark Lord Sauron is utterly malicious, tyrannical, cruel, sadistic, manipulative and wrathful tyrant who desires to destroy Numenorian line of Isildur and rule perfect world of MiddleEarth as God King with iron fist by retriving his long lost One Ring. The character belongs to late and forever legendary epic fantasy father author Tolkien.