Caught in Charlottes Web: Toy Piano with delays and noise
DC motor is connected to the DC interface of a Koma Elektronik field kit. DC motor placed on the pan of a spring reverb unit. Output transducer of the spring reverb connected to channel one of the mixer on the Koma field kit. The DC interface of the Koma field kit is being modulated by the Koma s onboard LFO. Doug and Melissa educational toy with contact microphone connected to channel two of the Koma s mixer. Casio SK1 played through it s internal speaker. Brass ensemble preset. Jaymar toy piano with contact microphone connected to the aux input of a Korg Monotron Delay. The output of the Monotron delay is connected to channel three of the Koma s mixer. Philips EL3752, 00 microphone connected to the input of a DIY cassette tape delay. Kamaka ukulele. Homemade lap steel guitar through a Boss TE2 Tera Echo and Kay model 550 Reverberation amplifier. Don t forget to subscribe to our other channel featuring Basidium the live experimental space looping music band of which I am a member: