Gross Things You Should Know Before Eating Mc Donalds Again
No matter how much their marketing campaigns insist that they have healthy options, we dont associate McDonalds with health food. We know that the food isnt good for us, so we attempt to eat it in moderation, but there are still some surprising and gross facts about the worlds most famous fast food chain. They might not make you want to stop eating there for good, but they will definitely make you second guess a few things. From the ridiculously unhealthy salads to those touch screens, lets take a look at some gross things you should know before eating at McDonalds again. , McDonalds, Eating, FastFood What s shaking , 0:00 The dirt on the McCafe machine, 1:11 The McNugget McMystery, 2:08 Fries before guise, 2:49 We all scream for ice cream, 4:34, 2 PlayPlace, 5:48 A touchy situation, 7:02 Hamburglar 2. 0, 8:05 Hey kid, want a toy , 9:02 Worst. Salad. Ever. , 10:18 But do you even salt, bro , 11:19