What Is Justice ( Part 1 of 4)
What Is Justice (Part 1 of 4) This series of videos covers basic concepts about what justice is, and how best to achieve it. This includes a number of concepts which most people have heard of but may not fully understand, and which have often been corrupted and perverted by governments, but which evolved from concepts and ideas that will still be valid and useful, even in the absence ruling classes or authoritarian powers. The series is broken down into the topics below. (This series is being posted for free to the public. If you find this series valuable and useful, whether for yourself or for helping to teach your children about such concepts, feel free to donate a few dollars to support us. Donations can be sent via PayPal to or by Bitcoin (BTC) to 14iFFXtoy1xmMBoapCphAiTnPW1bQP2KBM ) PART ONE: 1 Overview 2 Due Process 3 Presumption of Innocence https: