One Piece Amv When We Stand Together Thanks For Over 3000 Subs
PLS READ DESCRIPTION FIRST First, if you wanna see me working with my new studio, sub to this channel here: And here is my facebookpage: Yep, after two three months I finally finished this amv Wasn t easy to edit this song (cause it sounds a bit like country music :P) but yeah, I like the result anyway :D This vid is a tribute for the One Piece Studio. .. Amazing people who are working together. I freaking love this studio Also this video is for the upcoming studiobattle between LRS (where I m in) and NDP OneBrunou VS wingweaver123 Wish me luck guys :D Details: Editor: OneBrunou br, br, не огонь но мне понравилась нарезка видео ну и музыка в тему )