Extreme Warheads ( Studio Version)
Warheads By Extreme off the album 3 Sides To Every Story LYRICS: Hey Kid, Wanna have some fun Choose a side And, here s your gun Brought up, Knowing right from wrong, Squash the meek, Inherit the strong Just try and, Cross the line, Don t even bother To waste my time What s that Look in your eyes It s time I cut you, Down to size This world ain t Big enough for two, And I ve got my Sights on you WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE, I M A WARHEAD YOU RE A WARHEAD A WARHEAD JUST LIKE ME HE S A WARHEAD SHE S A WARHEAD WATCH EM SCREAM N YELL WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE, A WARHEAD TOO WHEN I BLOW THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL Ramboy, It s us and them Just like your Daddy In Vietnam Monkey see, Monkey do, Your boy s grown up Just like you This world ain t Big enough for