Sonic Adventure 2 Wheres Big the Cat
Back around the time of SA2 Glitches and Tricks 1 and 2 (early 2007), my most common request by a long shot was a video showing all the Big the Cat locations. I figured I would eventually get around to such a thing, but at the time I didn t know how I wanted to present it. Well, now I do, so over a year later, here it is. In the Dreamcast version of the game, they snuck Big the Cat into a hiding place somewhere in most levels (not Route 101, Route 280, or Green Hill; there are 2 appearances in White Jungle for some reason; and there s one in each Cannon s Core section). These appearances were invariably axed from the GameCube version, as the opening explains, so don t expect to find Big in any levels on that system. In some levels you can find a ring in place of Big (and I even go so far as to explain which ones, for your convenience ) and yes, you can still find Big in cutscenes on either system, but this video isn t about those appearances and I don t care.