Fragile I Dream Daisy
Synopsis: Daisy and Dream develop feelings for one another, however he ends up pushing her away. Hurt, she leaves him trapped by Roderick Burgess and refuses to free him. When he does escape, he punishes Daisy by banishing her to the darkness. Later on, after he has realised his mistake, he frees her. She refuses to forgive him, even when he accepts blame, and she continues to have nightmares about her time in the darkness. Hello everyone I m still sorta obsessed with The Sandman and how can I resist a good Daisy crossover Hope you all enjoy this one SONG, Twice by Little Dragon COLOURING, marystutorials FANDOMS, The Sandman and Agents of Shield PAIRING, Dream of the Endless (Morpheus) and Daisy Johnson (Quake) , crossover, dream, thesandman, daisyjohnson, morpheus, fanvidfeed