Lillys Magic: A Tale of Unusual Transformations Cartoons for Kids
Welcome back to your favorite animated characters channel, La Brujita Tatty. Today s episode shows Lilly attending magic school and learning to use her wand a big step for every little witch Excited about her new skills, Lilly practices on her way home, eager to show Tatty and Misifú. However, when she arrives, Tatty isn t there, and Misifú is fast asleep on the sofa. Lilly decides to use her magic to wake him up, but things don t go as planned. Misifú ends up transformed into a sofa, a rainbow, and even a croissant Lilly grows worried as her magic isn t working as she learned at school. Every attempt transforms Misifú into something different. Then, her wand stops working, leaving Misifú stuck in a transformed state. When Misifú wakes up, he learns about all that happened. Subscribe to our channel , cartoons , witches, magic