What Your Character Says About You Final Fantasy XIV
Beyond mere race and clan, Final Fantasy XIV is filled with options to make some of the prettiest (and ugliest) characters in any modern MMO. Here, I go over some of the common stereotypes associated with those choices and with no credentials whatsoever, psychoanalyze what your character says about you It s hardly an exhaustive list, but it doesn t need to be98 of us look the exact same, anyway Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:28 Hyur 1:18 Elezen 1:36 Lalafell 1:52 Miqo te 2:18 Roegadyn 2:44 Au Ra 3:04 Hrothgar 3:25 Viera 3:40 Customization Choices 3:49 Height 3:57 The Zoom Test 4:30 The Royal Eye of Raiding 4:51 Hair 5:32 Face Paints 6:02 Outro click funny link to receive future video: Socials: Discord: Patreon: Twitter