Installations by Coolway Isaac Cordal
Revisit Isaac Cordal s installation Follow the leaders at Urvanity 2019. Isaac Cordal (1974) is a Galician sculptor who works between Bilbao and Brussels. Follow the leaders is an art installation formed by the inhabitants of a city, all of whom blend into the rubble of the city ruins. Populated by small businessmen who wander around observing the collateral effect, the result of their own decisions. This city in ruins, is the trail that we have left as we have moved away from nature. The sculptures represent a social stereotype that relates to power, bureaucracy, politics, patriarchy, banking These sculptures are the portrait of a society in constant decline. Follow the leaders is part of a project developed in the urban space called Cement Eclipses. This project focuses on an army of small cement sculptures who try to understand the world we have created.