Carol of the Bells Piano Solo in Minor and Major ( Sad, Happy) with Lights
I ve always loved Carol of the Bells, but I ve also always wondered why it is in a minor (sadish) key. After all, it s a Christmas Carol So I rewrote it in a major (happier) key. In this piece, I go through it in its traditional minor key, and then in a major key. I hope you enjoy If there is enough interest, I will transcribe this song and put a link here for the sheet music. Let me know in the comments About this song: The melody is based on an old Ukranian folk song, which was then adapted into the melody we know today by Mykola Leontovych. Later, Peter Wilhousky wrote the English lyrics that we sing today. About these videos: I have loved lights since I was a little kid, and have loved piano almost as long. When I saw Patrik Pietschmann s and Rousseau s videos, I was really impressed with how they combined light and sound to make an awesome experience. So, I talked to some people and googled lots of things until I was able to b